Pozvánka na konferenci k dětské participaci

Hlavní stránka Aktuality Pozvánka na konferenci k dětské participaci

10.5.2022, Sekce: Aktuality

Rada Evropy (Council of Europe) ve spolupráci s dalšími organizacemi pořádá 23.–25. května 2022 konferenci „CP4Europe – Posílení rámců účasti dětí a akcí v Evropě“, která se bude konat v irském Corku.

Více informací naleznete níže v pozvánce a na stránkách Rady Evropy

Save the date23-25 May 2022!


We are happy to announce the mid-term Conference of the Joint Project CP4Europe – Strengthening Child Participation Frameworks and Action in Europe which will take place in Cork, Ireland and will be accessible online!


The Conference is organised by the Council of Europe in close collaboration with the Irish Department of Children, Disability, Equality, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), Hub na nÓg and the National Participation Office. The objective will be to celebrate the right of the child to be heard and taken seriously under the Council of Europe Irish Presidency and its theme: ‘Hear Our Voices’ – Promoting participatory democracy and youth engagement in the 21st century’. Today, more than ever, it is essential that children have the opportunity to be informed and listened to so that decisions that concern them remain truly meaningful.


On this occasion, you are invited to meet the CP4 Partners from Iceland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Finland and Slovenia to discuss their results in strengthening child participation at national level, paving the way for a harmonised and coordinated action at European level. This will also be an opportunity to share good practices and learn from the impressive experience of Ireland in the field of child participation including with the Council of Europe. 


The Conference will bring together notably children and young leaders, policy-makers and national authorities, child participation experts, professionals working for and with children, members of the academia and civil society organisations.  


We will be sharing the programme and participation modalities very soon.


Kind Regards,

Regina Jensdottir

Head of the Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe

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